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Coming Up: FeAST Conference 2024

Theme: Transformative Theologies: Rethinking Pedagogy, Praxis and Perspectives

Dates: 10-15 November 2024

Location: Colombo, Sri Lanka - more details to follow.

This inaugural FeAST Conference will offer rising scholars from across the Anglican Communion (who are in the first few years of teaching ministry or are currently completing their research) the opportunity to present their ongoing research focussing on the intersection between theology and transformation. Paper proposals which offer innovative rethinking of theological method, epistemological premises, pedagogy and praxis from a range of decolonial, transformative and liberative perspectives are now welcome. The call for papers is now closed.



A great deal of theological imagination and articulation in recent years have focussed on the theme transformation. Whether in the form of contextual theologies which sought to celebrate the identity-specificity of theological articulation or liberation theologies which sought the transformation of systemic and structural injustices or post-colonial and decolonial theologies which sought to unthink the Eurocentricity of theological methodologies, transformation has been at the core of some the influential strands of theological thinking of our times. However, the theme of transformation is wide-ranging and multi-faceted in the era of the Anthropocene where human agency influences change in an unprecedented manner. In such a context this conference will explore the following, among other, questions: What is the shape and scope of truly transformative theologies? What are some of the theologies that are making a difference in our world today? Where is change needed in our theological thinking and teaching? What are some of the theological implications of the changes we encounter? How do our theologies enable us to discern the signs of our times? 

Artwork by The Revd Jebasingh Samuvel

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