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In Conversation Dinner: Women in Leadership in the Church in Africa

USPG hosted its second instalment of its ‘In Conversation' dinner series focussing on women in leadership in the Church in Africa. The event was attended by 24 guests, including several bishops, friends and supporters of USPG alongside staff. The dinner was held to provide a forum for fellowship and conversation and meeting with church leaders to discuss key issues of importance for the future of Christian faith and global mission.  

USPG was graced by the presence of The Rt Revd Dr Vicentia Kgabe, Bishop of Lesotho, guest speaker for the evening. Bishop Vicentia shared her personal experiences and key challenges of female bishops in the Africa region. While providing an in-depth context setting of Southern Africa and its patriarchal culture for Anglican female bishops and female leaders within the churches in Africa. Bishop Vicentia is one of the six female bishops, fondly referred to as the “Africa Six”.  

When asked about the joys of her role and leadership within the Diocese of Lesotho she shared some key reflections about the importance of women bishops and leaders coming together to share their experience, encouraging further learning and understanding. She highlighted too the benefits of acknowledging our differences and intentionally working hard to battle through these differences to break down barriers such as language and cultural/traditional norms. Bishop Vicentia also shared about the importance of sisterhood and coming together, not just to meet and conduct the business of the day, but to come together in retreat and prayer for one another. 

Those in the room were encouraged and moved by what she shared and had an opportunity to ask questions and share their reflection on areas that would further support and encourage global missional work. 

The evening was also attended by The Rt Revd Sarah Mullaly, Bishop of London, The Rt Revd Lusa Nsenga Ngoy, Bishop of Willesden, and The Rt Revd Filomena Teta das Neves Estevão, Bishop of the Diocese of Bom Pastor in Angola - the country's first female bishop.

Rev Cathrine Ngangira, Canterbury Diocese with The Rt Revd Dr Vicentia Kgabe, Bishop of Lesotho

First published on: 24th July 2024
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