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Support for the Holy Land

First published on: 13th October 2023

Update: 4 September 2024

Recently we were able to spend some time in reflection with The Revd Nael Abu Rahmoun, Vicar of Christ Church, Nazareth of the Diocese of Jerusalem. He has encouraged everyone to continue to pray for peace, justice and the end of violence in the Holy Land. 


Update: 29 August 2024

In conversation with the Anglican Alliance, The Most Revd Hosam Naoum رئيس الأساقفة حسام نعوم (Archbishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem) shared: “As the war goes on, the challenge to the Diocese of Jerusalem institutions is existential, especially in the West Bank. The Anglican Alliance [partners] did a great job but we still need more to address the collateral damage of the war, as long as the war continues, especially into 2025.” 

++Hosam also praised the work of Al Ahli Hospital which, along with their mobile clinic in Khan Yunis, is an inspiring example of committed and courageous service in a time of war. "This is good news despite everything: a beacon of hope in a time of trouble.”

Please continue to join us in prayer.

If you would like to donate, please donate here and mark your donation to the Diocese of Jerusalem. 


Update: 23 July 2024

USPG General Secretary, the Revd Dr Duncan Dormor, joins over 200 global Christian bishops and executive leaders in public statement put together by Churches for Middle East Peace. The letter urges world powers to end complicity in the ongoing violence and atrocities committed in Gaza as a part of the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas. It also calls for an immediate permanent ceasefire, work for the release of hostages and prisoners held without due process of law alike, the unimpeded flow of humanitarian aid to civilians, and halting all weapons and ammunition transfers to Israel to ensure they are being used according to international law. Read more:


Update: 19 July 2024

There are some reports that the Al Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital has partially reopened with limited capacity. We praise God for this development and continue to pray for the situation. Formal update to follow.


Update: 8 July 2024

It is with deep sadness that we received the news that the Al Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital in Gaza has been forced to close its operations as the area surrounding the hospital has been declared a Red Zone following the escalation of drone firing. Read the full statement from General Secretary Revd Dr Duncan Dormor and the Diocese of Jerusalem here.


Update: 28 March 2024

A hospital worker at St Luke's Hospital, Nablus.

In the lead up to Easter, Canon Rachel Carnegie, the Executive Director of the Anglican Alliance, has visited the Diocese of Jerusalem for a journey of solidarity and pilgrimage. Speaking about the visit, Canon Rachel Carnegie said: “The experience was both heart-wrenching in seeing and hearing about the suffering, but also profoundly inspirational in witnessing the Church’s commitment to serving the most vulnerable, in sustaining lives and hope, and in speaking for peace, justice and reconciliation.

“This Holy Week, the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem continues to walk the Way of the Cross, as it perseveres with resilience and compassion to meet the needs of the most vulnerable across the Holy Land, including Gaza, through its health and education institutions… It represents the love of Jesus within this devastating time and points to Easter hope beyond the suffering.”

Read the full story

If you would like to donate, please donate here and mark your donation to the Diocese of Jerusalem. 


Update: 10 March 2024

Mentions of Al-Ahli Anglican Hospita as shared by the World Health Organization: and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Palestine:


Update: 22 February 2024 

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

As we approach five months since the conflict intensified, the situation remains bleak. Yet the Church continues to be present and resolute in sharing God’s love in action. 

Al-Ahli Anglican Hospital (medical institution of Diocese of Jerusalem) stands almost alone amongst functioning hospitals in northern Gaza. A shortage of healthcare in the region is causing a greater number of people to go without necessary treatment and support. One particular concern is the critical shortage of food, water and sanitation which is leading to an increase of infectious diseases and malnutrition. 

Unemployment has also increased as many are not able to access their jobs. Over in the West Bank, all those employed in hotels and guesthouses are on unpaid leave, leaving many without secure sources of income. 

Thanks to prior financial contribution from churches in the UK (facilitated through USPG), solar panels on the premises are providing Al-Ahli hospital with access to some power. 

USPG is one of eight partners working jointly under Anglican Alliance partners’ response to the conflict in the Holy Land – a key demonstration of Christian unity, stronger partnership and increased solidarity. The Diocese of Jerusalem share their heartfelt thanks for this collaborative approach and add their gratitude for the prayers and kind donations of all supporters. 

A prayer by the Diocese of Jerusalem: 

O Lord, this Lenten season is different from the other ones. The most Holy place in the world where Jesus was born, buried and rose again, is empty of Christians, the land of peace has no peace. God make this Lent a special one and bring back peace, bring back the pilgrims who are thirsty to spend the season of Lent in this place. 

As we begin this season of Lent with Ash Wednesday, we are reminded of our struggles, difficulties, pain, and grief, especially in the Holy Land. May we begin to heal in Jesus Christ and pray continuously for the "Living Stones": the Palestinian Christians of the Holy Land, that they persevere and continue Jesus’ teachings and witness for ages to come. 

Please also continue to pray for: 

  • The protection of health facilities and civilian infrastructure. Also pray against the spread of infectious diseases. 

  • Unimpeded access to food, medicines, fuel and other vital supplies. 

  • For those who have lost jobs and livelihoods. 

If you would like to donate, please donate here and mark your donation to the Diocese of Jerusalem. 


Update: 6 December 2023 

Read Archbishop Naoum's Advent Appeal Letter

After closing in November amidst heavy bombardment, Al-Ahli Anglican Hospital is open once again to serve the hundreds of wounded remaining in Gaza City. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) was able to oversee a delivery to the hospital, which remains the only functional medical centre in the northern part of Gaza. Among the items delivered were fuel for the generators, anaesthesia, ICU supplies, emergency drugs, and IV fluids. The WHO also reported that the hospital is filled with hundreds of injured patients, with St. Philip's Chapel being used to accommodate the massive overflow. Many cases are severe and need more advanced care and surgical intervention. 

Funds received from USPG have contributed to the purchase of much needed fuel for the hospital generators. Other funds are allocated to cover the cost of the additional staff hired to meet the crushing flow of wounded and traumatized people. 

Please continue to pray: 

  • For the conflict to end and peace 

  • For the Al-Ahli hospital and for all its medical team and staff 

  • For continued calm so that the flow of supplies and emergency assistance can reach those wounded who remain in such desperate need.  

By Rev'd Canon Don Binder, Diocese of Jerusalem

 A UN Aid Worker oversees the delivery of fuel to Al-Ahli Anglican Hospital. 


Update: 28 November 2023 

It is difficult fully to comprehend the scale of the explosion of violence which has erupted in the Holy Land since October 7th. We have seen on our news the devastation and shattered lives. The reality on the ground is far worse. My view from Jerusalem brings me closer though I am still nowhere near the Gaza firing line but the fear, sadness and anger which I hear and feel around me makes it profoundly distressing. Talking about, it for me and for everyone, is extremely difficult because people tend to take a position strongly favouring one side or the other and dismissing the contrary viewpoint. The situation of Israel and Palestine is a tangled political issue and because this is the so-called ‘Holy Land’ it is soaked in religious issues for Jews, Muslims and Christians. The rights and wrongs are difficult because the history is long and very complex. In seeking to engage in this controversial and painful situation, it is vital to take account of alternative perspectives which differ from our own. 
I approach the issue first and foremost from a position of human empathy. I want to see, feel and understand the pain and grief of people, and there is so much of that arising from the terrifying violence of both sides. Everyone caught up in this continuing catastrophe is hurting, sad and angry. There is no value in comparing one side with the other to prove that one side’s pain is more justified than the other. My Christian faith requires me to see every life as valuable and every death as tragic, even though inevitably I have opinions about the history which has brought us to this point and the steps towards peace with justice which need to be enacted from here.  
The pressing need is to address the humanitarian disaster. Medics and aid workers must be permitted to do their vital work. We cannot see the pathway to peace while bombing and shooting prevails and the loss of civilian lives makes that road ever harder. The two sides cannot engage in talks while hostages are still held captive. The sooner this changes, the sooner the hard task of talking can begin. It is vital to remember that the conclusion of this is not when the killing ends, the task of changing the underlying conditions which cause the intractable conflict is a process which can no longer be avoided.  

By The Very Rev’d Canon Richard Sewell, Dean of St George’s College Jerusalem.


Update: 13 November 2023

From Diocese of Jerusalem, the Episcopal Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East

Al-Ahli Arab Hospital, which has been directly run by the Diocese of Jerusalem since 1982, is now the only functioning hospital in the north of Gaza. Other hospitals in the region are unable to function due to the damage caused by the airstrikes as well as the lack of fuel. The staff continue to implement a 24-hour emergency response plan; to meet the increasing number of wounded and traumatised persons.
USPG is currently accompanying the Diocese of Jerusalem’s emergency response through Al-Ahli Arab Hospital by providing financial support.

If you would like to donate, please donate here and mark your donation to the Diocese of Jerusalem.
Please join us prayer:

  • As the only remaining open hospital in the northern part of the strip, may Al-Ahli Arab Hospital receive the supplies needed to function and provide the care needed for those in agony and distress.
  • That all hostages may return to their own families and homes.
  • For the safe and significant arrival of aid to be allowed into Gaza.
  • For God to expand the imagination of leaders in the region and around the world to meaningful and sustainable solutions that will build peace and justice in the long term.
  • For Christians to stand against the evils of rampant anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.
  • That people's hearts are not turned to hate by this war. 

“Remember the humanity of those who are suffering and those who are supporting them through this crisis.”

- Joel Kelling, Provincial Administrator, Province of Jerusalem & Middle East and Regional Facilitator, Anglican Alliance


In a video address to members of the Church of England's General Synod, The Most Rev'd Hosam Naoum calls for a ceasefire and a plea for peace in Israel and Gaza. He calls on the international community to work for a ‘just and lasting’ peace. Watch it in full here:



13 October 2023

‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee’ (Psalm 122) 

As the violence continues to unfold in the Holy Land, USPG upholds in prayer all who are suffering due to the hostilities. We join with churches and religious organisations around the world in a call for peace and an end to the violence. 

USPG is in close contact with the Diocese of Jerusalem and we ask for urgent prayers for peace and protection in the region. We use the words of the prayer written by the President Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem & the Middle East, and the Anglican Archbishop of Jerusalem Hosam Naoum:

O God of all justice and peace we cry out to you in the midst of the pain and trauma of violence and fear which prevails in the Holy Land. 

Be with those who need you in these days of suffering; we pray for people of all faiths - Jews, Muslims and Christians and for all people of the land. 

While we pray to you, O Lord, for an end to violence and the establishment of peace, we also call for you to bring justice and equity to the peoples. Guide us into your kingdom where all people are treated with dignity and honour as your children for, to all of us, you are our Heavenly Father. 

In Jesus’ name we pray. 


Please pray too for Archbishop Hosam Naoum, and other Christian leaders, as they continue to serve their people and work for peace and reconciliation. 

Read The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury's statement here 

Read the statement by The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem here 

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