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USPG reacts to the forced closure of Al Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital in Gaza

It is with deep sadness that we received the news that the Al Ahli Arab Anglican Hospital in Gaza has been forced to close its operations as the area surrounding the hospital has been declared a Red Zone following the escalation of drone firing.


Windrush Day 2024

Windrush Day Reflection by The Rt Revd Dr Rosemarie Mallett


Theological Executive Leadership Programme Launch

USPG has launched the Theological Executive Leadership Programme (TELP) to equip 15 leaders from Anglican theological education institutions in Africa with skills for institutional growth and innovation. The 12-week course includes online classes and residential sessions at Nelson Mandela University, running from August to November 2024.


Introducing CWAG

As a UK-registered and based charity that partners with churches across the world, USPG values diverse global voices to accompany, advise and inform our service to Christ and the Anglican Communion. That’s where our Communion-Wide Advisory Group (or CWAG) come in.


“The impact of slavery still has a direct impact on black people’s lives today”

Rt Rev’d Rose Hudson-Wilkin speaks at USPG Synod chattel slavery event.


Two Years On: Pray for Ukraine

Please do not forget the people of Ukraine. Hold them in your prayers.

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"Be discombobulated!" Mission as Solidarity Conference

A recap of our annual Rethinking Mission conference, held on 25 November, in partnership with Emmanuel Theological College, the diocese of Liverpool and Liverpool Cathedral.


USPG announce new Chair of Trustees

USPG announce the Rt Revd Dr David Walker, Bishop of Manchester, as new Chair of Trustees


“We are far from the place of being done with making our case"

AMEN 'Living Well' Conference emphasises that racial justice must be a core feature of Church business


Championing Anti-Human Trafficking Efforts in North India

USPG welcomes the Diocese of Durgapur as they provide an update on vital work fighting Human Trafficking

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